Manual use
Almost 30% of the respondents say they didn't get a manual with their phone. Since 21.4% of the respondents got their phone as a gift from familiy or friends, this seems logical.
Of the 149 respondents with manuals, a small majority (57%) said they had not used it.
The 64 respondents that did use their manual almost unanimously (94%) felt they have learned something from their manual.
L1: Did you get the phone with a manual?
(If answer to L1 is yes) L2: Did you use the manual?
(If answer to L2 is yes) L3: Did you learn anything from the manual?
Respondents | Learning L8: If you could learn anything related to your phone or technology in general, what would you like to learn? |
Wishes, teachers, and experiences
As we can see on the left, there is a great variety of answers to the question 'If you could learn anything related to your phone or technology in general, what would you like to learn?'.
The vast majority of answers are 'friends or family members' (61% of the total number of answers), with 'neighbours' coming in second (10.5% of the total answers given).
There are many different kinds of answers to the question 'Tell us about a great learning experience you had in the past?'. 17.3% say that they learned how to install or use WhatsApp.
When reporting on things that didn't work out with their computer or phone, 17.8% of the respondents answer that they failed to download apps or media. 7.2% specifically mention a failure to install or use WhatsApp.
L4: What else or who else did you learn from on how to use some of the features on your phone?
L5: Tell us about a great learning experience you had in the past? What was it about? (Smartphone or Digital Finance services) Who was teaching it or what were you learning from?
L12: Tell us about a time where you wanted to do something with your phone or computer and did not manage - What kind of things did not work?